Friday, May 27, 2016

Semana 4

View of San Jose from the mountain
I can't believe I have already been in Costa Rica for a month, and that I am leaving to go home tomorrow. It has been an incredible experience, and I am thankful for the opportunities I have had here to practice Spanish and learn about the people and culture of this country. There are many aspects about life here that I will miss; however, I am excited to go home and see my family.

On Tuesday I went to the indigenous reserve, Quitirrisi, which is about a 45 minute drive from San Jose. We met with Juan, the leader of that group of indigenous people, and he told us about the history of his people, including their struggles and successes. He also showed us around the historic land, and we we able to see burial sites, an altar, a hut, and place for fires. He preformed a religious ceremony for us that involved feathers, a shaker, leaves, and a fire. They worship 5 gods that represent land, water, fire, the sun, and the moon. After, his wife made us a traditional Costa Rican meal of rice, beans, salad, chicken, and tortillas in their home. It was really interesting to learn about the history and culture of these indigenous people, and I now have a new perspective of the culture of Costa Rica that includes this group.
With the leader of the indigenous people, Juan

Totem used for religious ceremonies
Burial site

Wednesday night our program directors took us to dinner at the restaurant Ram Luna. The restaurant was near the top of a mountain, and you could see all the lights of the city, which was a beautiful view. There was also a show with traditional Costa Rican music and dancing, which I enjoyed very much. Dance is one of my favorite parts of learning about new cultures because it is one of my passions, and it is interesting to compare the different styles between countries. It was a night full of laughter and fun, and I am going to miss our amazing AIFS program directors, Karla and Lourdes and our driver, Marco. They have made a huge impact on my experience here, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to get to know them.

View of the lights of the city

Costa Rican dancers
My last day in Costa Rica was spent at el Parque Diversiones, an amusement park. Most of the rides were similar to fair rides in the United States, such as small rollercoasters, ferris wheels, and the scrambler; however, it was a lot of fun and a great way to spend my last day in Costa Rica!

I am relieved to be done with my classes and to begin packing for home. I am going to miss being here a lot, but I will always have these amazing memories with me.

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